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13 search results for: wetzel


How to support a family while you homeschool

I love writing on this blog, but if I’m being honest with myself, I’m not sure I’d write here if I didn’t need to support my family. It’s true that I started writing about education because I wanted to figure out what to do with education for my own family. But it’s also true that […]


Teach passion by modeling passion

Erin Wetzel is an illustrator and portrait artist. She lives in Washington state with her young family. Connect with her on Instagram where she documents everyday motherhood. You can tell when we’re broke, because that’s when I run my art sales. Last week, we needed gas and groceries. I set a discount for art prints and made what we needed […]


Choosing homeschooling is about risk management

I’m fascinating by the research about what makes a good entrepreneur. Because it turns out that entrepreneurs come in lots of shapes and sizes, but the common thread among successful entrepreneurs is they are great at mitigating risk.


What it means when homeschooling feels lonely

At the end of the course I have titled How to Write about Your Life I offer to edit people’s writing for six months. I charge $600 to edit anything they write during that period. One of the people who signed up was Erin Wetzel.


How to do preschool with one child and no stuff

This is a guest post from Erin Wetzel. She is a artist who lives in Tacoma WA and homeschools her daughter. You can connect with her on Instagram @ekwetzel. One of the joys of not sending my daughter to preschool is that we are together constantly, bugging each other to death.


Review of the documentary: Class Dismissed

This is a guest post from Erin Wetzel. She is a artist who lives in Tacoma WA and homeschools her daughter. You can connect with her on instagram @ekwetzel. Homeschooling is a counter-cultural movement. Although it is gaining momentum with each passing year, there is still a stigma associated with it. Homeschoolers are too often perceived as educational cultists, weirdos who […]


How to quit your job so you can homeschool

This is a guest post from Erin Wetzel. She is a artist who lives in Tacoma WA and homeschools her daughter. You can connect with her on instagram @ekwetzel. Matt was laid off in January. A few weeks ago, I wrote about how it was affecting us. And then to our surprise, Matt accepted a new job, a better job than his old one. What […]


Homeschooling is not just for rich people

This is a guest post from Erin Wetzel. She is a artist who lives in Tacoma WA (that’s her drawing). She homeschools her daughter. You can connect with her on instagram @ekwetzel.   I’m going to go ahead and confess: we use food stamps. It’s not fun living right above the poverty line. I’m ashamed that we can’t afford our basic […]


Most popular posts of 2014

It’s always tricky to pick the most popular posts of the year because ranking is based on sort-of-arbitrary metrics, and I mess around with the metrics when I don’t like the outcome, and the whole thing starts to smell like school testing. 


Self-directed learning is more fun with parent intimacy

This is a guest post from Erin Wetzel. She is a painter and a poet who lives in Tacoma, WA with her husband and daughter. You can connect with her on instagram @ekwetzel. Earlier she wrote Unschooling Starts the Day Your Child is Born. Tonight, as Phoebe was getting ready for bed, she turned to me and lamented, “I only know how […]