Danah Boyd is someone who has influenced me a lot over the past fifteen years.

For example she did research about ten years ago to show that given the way we present ourselves online, the best models for how to prepare for the workforce were not parents at home but celebrities in Hollywood. In 2008 that research gave me a lot of the gumption I needed to launch my last company, Brazen Careerist, which was predicated on the idea of using social media as a career tool. Read more

This is a guest post from Gary Houchens, professor at the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at Western Kentucky University.

One of America’s foremost scholars of school leadership and improvement is Joe Murphy, professor of education at Vanderbilt University. His 2012 book, Homeschooling in America: Capturing and Assessing the Movement, offers the most comprehensive look to date at one of the nation’s fastest-growing school choice options.  Murphy’s book makes it clear that what we know – and don’t know – about homeschooling offers deep lessons for professional educators. Read more

Parents hate going against the grain when they raise their kids because they don’t want to be wrong. It’s so much safer to be wrong when you did everything that society tells you to do as a parent. Homeschooling requires bravery from parents. It’s a risk but some parents take the leap. Read more