We know that kids who cut corners and question the status quo are the ones who make a big difference in the career arena.  Read more

I should have insisted my son learn French, because I’m not fluent, but I’m close. Instead he is learning Spanish and while I thought I’d be useful (it’s a romance language!) I find all I do is pronounce French words like they’re Spanish and hope they are. Read more

By now you have probably heard about the rape on Stanford’s campus that resulted in a very public court case:  a freshman, Brock Turner, was caught by two witnesses raping an unconscious woman. He tried to run. She did not regain consciousness for two more hours. A jury found him guilty of three felonies. Read more

Erin Wetzel is an illustrator and portrait artist. She lives in Washington state with her young family. Connect with her on Instagram where she documents everyday motherhood.

You can tell when we’re broke, because that’s when I run my art sales. Last week, we needed gas and groceries. I set a discount for art prints and made what we needed in six hours. One time I slashed prices on commissions and made enough to pay the mortgage. Read more