This is a guest post from Sarah Faulkner. She is a homeschooling mom in Washington state. She has five kids, ages 14, 13, 10, 7, and 3.

As my kids get older people ask more and more when I will put them in school, as if I keep them home to shield them from the evils of the world. Or, that I am keeping them home to force brilliance onto them. And when said person speaks to my kids, it feels disappointing for them to find my kids are simply typical. Read more

I’m fascinating by the research about what makes a good entrepreneur. Because it turns out that entrepreneurs come in lots of shapes and sizes, but the common thread among successful entrepreneurs is they are great at mitigating risk. Read more

This is an anonymous guest post. A reader sent his mother the following quote from me:

So for 2016 Im going to accept who I am:  Someone who struggles every day to accept the realities of parenting in the context of a world that celebrates people who give up everything for work.

I am always trying to figure out how to get credit for being a stay-at-home parent and get credit for being a successful entrepreneur. Probably this means I have to redefine those terms.

His mother wrote back to him, and he forwarded her email to me. She gave me permission to print it here: Read more

There are so many comments on this blog about how difficult homeschooling is for a single parent. My first recommendation would be to get enough child support and alimony to make it work. But of course, not every ex-spouse is responsible. So if there is no extra money coming from an extra spouse, what can you do in order to homeschool? Read more

At the end of the course I have titled How to Write about Your Life I offer to edit people’s writing for six months. I charge $600 to edit anything they write during that period.

One of the people who signed up was Erin Wetzel. Read more

A post titled Our Kids Don’t Need F@*#ing Pedal Desks, They Need Recess got 40,000 likes on Facebook, meaning 40,000 people thought their friends needed to hear that. But those 40,000 people are not taking their kids out of school and they are not participating at a legislative level to change recess policies.  Read more

This is a guest post by Lehla Eldridge. Her blog is Unschooling the Kids. Lehla’s family lives in Italy.

“Just let me live my life” were the words that came out of my sons mouth yesterday as I tried to teach him about following a recipe. He was wanting to make biscuits, I was wanting him to follow a recipe. We hit a stalemate. Read more

My son’s bar mitzvah became an accidental homeschool showcase. We had a hard time getting a Hebrew tutor to come to our house, so I started teaching Hebrew myself. Read more

This is a guest post from Sarah Faulkner. She is a homeschooling mom in Washington state. She has five kids, ages 13, 11, 9, 5, and 2. 

I keep my children home because I have as many issues as my in-laws think I do.  Truly, I am a bit to the far left of sanity, but that’s because I am always bored. I think that’s why people don’t want to homeschool.  You have to be a bit crazy. Read more

I took the kids to their favorite arcade as soon as school was back in session, so we could avoid all the crowds. Of course all the people working there asked why the kids aren’t in school, so we did the usual conversation where they say, “Oh, so your mom teaches you?” And I say, “No. I don’t tell him what to learn.” Read more